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Lunarpedia April 29, 2008

Posted by Nick Azer in Lava Tubes, Moon Society, Signal Wires.
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I’ve just come across, in poking around with some intial research on the Moon Society (a non-profit dedicated to the topic of moon colonization and Luna in general), a neat Lunarpedia that they have started up, a Wiki for Moon Colonization and related topics.

Differing from Wikipedia in its policies (including the allowance of original work), the Lunarpedia seems mildly all-over-the-place, in a beautiful kind of way. In a few minutes of exploration, I discovered lava tubes, signal wires, and the fact that I’m not the only one that thinks ‘Urban Planning’ on the Moon is a legitimate concept. Awesome.

The Moon Society is a group that should be popping up here a lot, as they function as a node for a whole heck of a lot of different fronts in the world of lunar colonization, and are therefore darn near omnipresent online.

But, for now, check that Lunarpedia out, and lose yourself for a while :)